Want to increase your lead conversion by 25% or more?

SaaS Marketers:

Send Us Your Current Email or Messaging Sequences...

And We'll Give You Back a Sequence Tailored to Your ICP That Will Increase Your Lead Conversions in Less Than 14 Days


No strings attached

And if we can't beat your current conversion rate, we'll give you an hour of our best lead conversion consulting, and then we'll try again - all for free.

Do you send messages on a different channel?

It doesn't have to be email.

Whether it's SMS, social DMs, or any other message, we'll create high-converting messages.

How Our Emails Helped Jamal

Why Are You Offering This to Me?

Your company has had a taste of product-market fit and is seeing meaningful growth.

Your job now is to scale efficiently.

Because things are working, you're not looking to transform your strategy - but you do need to increase your efficiency by improving the channels you're already using.

That's where we come in.

With very little time investment...

And with NO capital investment...

This offer will improve one of the most important metrics on your marketing dashboard - the conversion of your leads into sales calls or paying customers.

Although it's a critically important metric, most companies are spending their time and money on new leads at the top of the funnel.

Having us increase conversions through your lead emails or messages will deliver a big impact on your downstream results...

It will provide tangible evidence of marketing's impact on growth...

And it won't take any attention away from your other projects and priorities.

What's the Catch?

There's No Catch.

We wanted to engage with our market, and we saw two options:

We could (1) toot our own horn in expensive PPC ads...

Or we could (2) spend time doing something that actually serves people and builds our value in the eyes of our market.

We prefer the 2nd option.

If we see a way to provide additional value after we've delivered increased conversions, we'll invite you to work with us further, but you have no obligation.

We know you'll tell your friends if we get good results for you...

And even if we don't do more work together now, who knows? Maybe we will in a few months or years.

It's all goodness.

3 Simple Steps

to Increased Lead Conversion in 14 Days

Step 1

Submit Your Emails or Messages

Using the form below, submit your emails for our review and set a time for a results call. We also ask a few questions about your ICP, the current conversion rate, and the goals for this message sequence.

Step 2

We Rewrite Your Emails or Messages

Using the information you gave us, we'll craft an email or message sequence that will beat your current lead conversion rate.

Step 3

You Increase Conversions

We'll deliver your emails, you watch the results, and then we'll get together on the results call to compare the new conversion rate to the old one. If we didn't beat it, we'll schedule an hour of our best lead conversion consulting, and then we'll try again.

We will also eat the grossest food you can think of - on camera.

Who Are We to Make Such Promises?

In a SaaS world that lives (and dies) on top of funnel lead generation, but suffers from horrible mid-funnel conversions...

Profit Automation was founded to create amazing results in the middle of the funnel - converting leads.

We've created email campaigns that helped companies book tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars of revenue during the worst times their market had ever seen (you can see one of these testimonials above on this page).

We don't get excited about small, incremental progress. We want to deliver big results for you.

If you think you have a lead conversion messaging situation that will challenge us, bring it on.

Submit the form below, and we'll get to work.

Or, You Can Continue Doing What You're Doing...

But odds are that you’re reading this because you need to increase your lead conversion rate.

So why would you NOT throw this problem our way by submitting the form below right now?

We only extend this offer to 5 companies at a time (because it takes real work to produce a custom email/message sequence for you).

If you have any inkling of belief that this could help you, book your call now to minimize the chance that you have to sit on our waiting list…

Possibly watching the calendar slip into a new quarter or fiscal year while we do this for other companies.

So don't wait...

Fill out the form below to claim your FREE upgraded lead conversion email/message sequence.

You May Be Asking Yourself...

How can you understand my lead better than I do?

We don't. What we understand is how to speak to your lead to convert them. When you sign up, we'll ask you for anything you have (ICP doc, for example) that can help us understand your lead, so we can produce high-converting messages.

Do you simply throw my emails or messages into a template full of cliches, or tell ChatGPT to "make these messages better?"

No. There is no "one size fits all" approach to lead conversion. We will look at your existing emails and the information you give us, and we'll write a custom sequence designed to convert more of your ICP leads into the next step.

Is it actually free? Why?

Yes. There's no charge, no catch. We want to give you something valuable, but you have no obligation to work with us further.

We're not just an email marketing agency. Our main offer is called a "Lead Pump"...

(Which is a special mix of email, sms, web page, video, and webinar assets)...

That takes your inactive leads and pumps them into sales calls or paid subscriptions.

So, our goal is not to get paid for simply writing emails.

We know if we put value out into the world, good things will happen.

Get Your Free Lead Conversion Sequence Here


Answer a few questions so we can write high converting emails/messages for you.


Choose a time for your results call. This time has to be 3 weeks out so your new sequence has time to perform.

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